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We pride ourselves on delivering top-notch products designed to meet your unique needs:
1# Semakan Perserahan & Hakmilik Strata
Design and develop an enhancement to Sistem e-Strata Johor to allows the public to conveniently access and conduct strata title searches online. This service enables users to pay and obtain necessary information directly through the website, bypassing the need to physically visit the Land Office.

2# Modul NILAM Johor
Design and develop a digital platform to foster reading habits among students in Johor, Malaysia. It enables students to log reading activities and teachers to monitor progress, while incentivizing students with rewards based on their reading achievements.

3# Sistem Pemantauan Projek Johor
Design and develop Johor state’s project monitoring system which used by Johor Economic Planning Unit to manage and monitor all budgets and projects under state development.

4# Sistem Pengurusan Dan Bantuan Pesakit Kanser
Design and develop a system that will assists Yayasan Kanser Tunku Laksamana Johor (YKTLJ) to provide management of aid distributed to cancer patients.

5# Sistem e-Soal Dewan Negeri Johor
Design and develop a system for the management of questions and answers in each session of the Johor State Legislative Assembly. DUN members can submit questions online, collected and screened before answers are prepared before the session.

6# Sistem Rumah Impian Bangsa Johor
Design and develop a system for application management for houses under the Rumah Impian Bangsa Johor project. It covers online application, collection, screening, interview and commissioning of Certificate of Eligibility for the next ownership process.

7# Sistem Integrasi Tanah Johor
Design and develop a system for the integration between the Computerized Land Registration System (SPTB) and the Johor Land Revenue System (SHTJ) for the purpose of updating quit rent and ownership records in SHTJ.

8# Sistem e-Strata Johor
Design and develop a system for the management of strata title that involves application, SiFUS, registration, issuance of title, transaction, enforcement and search. This system replaces manual methods that cause many problems such as errors, slowness and inefficiency.

9# Sultanate Johor Inventory System
Design and develop an integrated system to make it easier for the museum to manage artifacts that involve inventory, cataloguing, storage, exhibition, treatment, borrowing and transition between each unit.